Training Options

Workouts that empower and energize you. Designed to make you stronger, move better, and learn new skills. I will maximize your results through customized programming designed  to activate specific muscle groups. No injury-prone "insanity" challenges or crash plans.

Your workouts will be smart, safe, and progressive. I AM FITNESS training will lead you to a healthier lifestyle, you'll feel stronger and inspired to conquer all your training goals.


You have the desire and commitment to attain the body you want. You may just be a little confused with all "do's and don't's" coming at you. I will help to educate you where you may be stuck. I will teach you about food labels and making better choices. A little guidance to help you focus on what matters like eating a low inflammation diet, with quality real food that taste good, will lead you in the right direction. By working together, we will create a successful strategy to help you transform your health. 

Wellness Coach

Let's create lifelong, sustainable habits that help you feel amazing and make maintaining the body you want easier. Let's challenge how we look at fitness, nutrition, and behavior. Let's upgrade how we interact with our own bodies, and adjust our mindset to work for us.  

I will guide you through the process of change. It's not easy to unlearn habits and beliefs that you've been carry for a lifetime. It takes courage, patience, and  repetition, but it's doable. You deserve a relationship with your body that is easy, compassionate, vibrant, and full of joy. That relationship is waiting for you. If you are ready for it, then I am ready for you.

"Your body is meant to feel amazing. It's meant to sleep well, wake up refreshed, train and work hard, play hard, and relax fully."

Have a question? Contact us. We will get back to you within 24 hours.